Quit smoking weed depression

Quit smoking weed depression2 years ago i quit smoking for 6 months. the first month of the quiting i got insomnia and had the most insane dreams that were weirder and scarier than any movie.Top ten ways detox weed naturally - stop smoking, Top ten ways to detox weed naturally.mar 29, 2013 by quit smoking weed. when it comes to naturally cleansing your body some of the best ways to detox for weed are. How quit smoking weed bloggerdollar hubpages, The main problem with stopping smoking weed is weed addicts don't admit that they are addicts there is a phrase i heard : "i am smoking weed for 15 years and i know.

I can definitely say that not a whole lot has changed.i haven't craved smoking, but i think that's just because of how much i care about the little one and in turn the reason i quit, ya know? but, i can also attest to the fact that i was more depressed and suicidal, yet MUCH less anxious when i was smoking every day.

I smoked to relieve anxiety. so that has been more difficult to deal with. L-theanine and GABA (not to be confused w/ prescription gapapentin/neurontin) don't help, for me, at least.

I do miss smoking on occasion, like after a hard day at work or whatever, and so i'm drinking more often, as opposed to when i drank about once a month or so.. and i can definitely say that between alcohol and pot, having MUCH experience with both, alcohol is definitely worse and more of a downer.i got more done when i was smoking, and i felt alltogether better. alcohol makes me feel sick in the mornings, or at least groggy. just my two cents. all the best ye gents.

You may have tried quit smoking weed for a month and instead of getting your normal healthy life back, you experience quit smoking weed depression which only you who can tell how does it like. To realize that you are under control of the weed addictive substance should not weaken your intention to quit smoking weed. 

Even when you are in the worse condition at the moment i.e. quit smoking weed lose weight and quit smoking weed now I can't eat. It is interesting to understand that in the latter situation you are indeed getting closer to the gate to free yourself from the weed smoking habit.

The question “Can smoking weed cause depression?” doesn’t have an easy yes or no answer. It’s a question that requires a tie-up of good and bad news. There are hundreds of studies being done that are doggedly trying to answer this question. We present here a tiny but representative sampling illustrating our point.

Does Weed Cause Depression? Or Is Depression Caused by Weed?

The good news is that smoking weed doesn’t cause depression unless you’re already genetically predisposed to depression. The bad news is that 2/3 of the population is genetically predisposed to depression. This is the conclusion that came from a four-year study done on 310 adolescents in the Netherlands. The study was published in 2011 in Addiction Biology, a journal that had as of 2012 a #1 ranking in the Substance Abuse category. 

How to quit smoking weed forever??

The results of the study showed that cannabis users who had the “variant of the serontonin gene (5-HTT) responsible for increased vulnerability to developing depression” had increased symptoms of depression. The cannabis who didn’t have it didn’t have increased symptoms of depression. According to the Science Daily article that discussed this study, “two-thirds of the population have the gene variant that makes one sensitive to depression.”

The study’s authors, Drs. Roy Otten and Rutger C.M.E. Engels, note that their study was motivated by the weak and inconsistent existing evidence that linked the use of cannabis to depression and depressive symptoms. 

Otten and Engels state that their study “shows first evidence” genetic makeup, not cannabis use, causes increased depressive symptoms in cannabis users. Otten and Rutger note the data’s robustness, which means that they made sure the results of the study weren’t swayed by factors irrelevant to their study, factors like socio-economic status, personality, and upbringing.

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Otten/Rutger note that “Some people might think that young people with a disposition for depression would start smoking cannabis as a form of self-medication, and that the presence of depressive symptoms is therefore the cause of cannabis use. However, in the longer term that is definitely not the case. 

Although the immediate effect of cannabis may be pleasant and cause a feeling of euphoria, in the longer term we observe that cannabis use leads to an increase in depressive symptoms in young people with this specific genotype.” In other words, people aren’t using weed because they’re depressed. They’re depressed because they’re using weed. 

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