The 7 Signs of Marijuana Addiction you need to know

7 Signs of Marijuana Addiction
The principal venture on the voyage to recuperation is perceiving that you have an issue with drugs, liquor or a mix of substances.Once in a while, however, its hard to be objective when gaging your own particular drug utilization or that of somebody you love. 

To help you figure out if or not you could be addicted or at the outset injurious phases of drug utilize,its critical to comprehend the indications of addiction that are connected with particular drugs. 

We begin with 7 indications of marijuana addiction.On the off chance that you perceive any of the signs in yourself or somebody you love, an addiction to marijuana could be show.

  1. Marijuana tolerance and withdrawal: Just like any drug, regular use of marijuana leads to the development of a tolerance for it. This means that you need more and more of the drug in order to achieve the same high. If you need more and more of the drug to get high, and you begin experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as loss of appetite, irritability, insomnia or anxiety, you could be physically addicted to marijuana.
  2. Using more marijuana than intended: If you start out thinking, “I’m just going to take a couple hits,” but end up smoking the whole joint and this happens regularly then you may be addicted to marijuana.
  3. Unable to cut down or stop marijuana use: If you try to stop smoking marijuana, but you just can’t or find yourself justifying why it’s all right to get high when you’re trying to quit, then you’re likely addicted.
  4. Lots of time spent getting high: If you take an objective look at how you spend your time and see that the bulk of it is spent either getting high, waiting to get high, or looking for marijuana so that you can get high, then you’re probably psychologically addicted to the drug.
  5. Reduced activities: If your schedule has slowly been depleted of all physical or recreational activities and replaced with hanging out and getting high, then you could be addicted to marijuana.Click here to know what will happen when you stop smoking marijuana.
  6. Continuing to get high despite the problems it causes: For example, if you have been warned that you will be fired if you are late to work or show up high again yet you to continue to smoke marijuana before heading into work, then you are exhibiting behavior that is akin to self-sabotage. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, that is a sign of addiction.
  7. Using marijuana to escape from problems: If you feel like the only way you can handle bad grades, problems at work, and relationship issues is to get high, then you may be addicted to marijuana.
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